Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Get rid of that pacifier without tears!

"The Paci Fairy", a childrens book that offers a solution disguised as a fable - Seven steps to a one night success story - Check out the site, the book and the video!

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This book endorsed by Pediatricians and Pediatric Dentist and if you have any questions, go to the site and email me or please feel free to comment here on my blog. I look forward to hearing from you!

Best Always, Melissa

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"I am a Paci - Holic", my addiction along with my daughter to the pacifier

The Tale of a Paci-Holic
This is my story of overcoming my addiction to the Pacifier

Admitting the Truth

“My name is Melissa, I am a mom, and I am a Paci-Holic”!
My daughter Alexis was born on August 19, 2002 and like millions of parents I gave her a Paci almost directly after birth for soothing and comfort. As time passed, it was the Paci that would calm her, help her sleep or soothe her in a time of need. What I did not expect was that I would soon become addicted to the Paci as well. I learned quickly to depend upon it for my own self peace of mind. If she was crying in public, or throwing a fit in the car, or didn’t want to go to sleep, I would just pop in my golden weapon and all would be fine. It got to the point that I would not leave the house without a Paci and I made sure that I had at least three handy at all times. My daughter became addicted to them and I shared in her madness albeit for different reasons.

Confronting the Addiction

When she was two, we were at a doctor’s appointment and that’s when I first heard the gut wrenching words, “You should start thinking about taking the Paci away”. My heart stopped, and I just smiled, hiding all my fearful thoughts. I recognized, at that moment, that I had a lot more invested in this little golden weapon than my little girl did. Six months later during routine shots our doctor said the same thing. This time I replied, “We’re working on it”. In actuality, I had not even thought about it. My husband and I started doing research on how to do this most difficult task. My brother, who had twin three year old girls at the time, shared his story about the Paci Fairy (similar to the tooth fairy) that he had read in blogs, and how she came and took the Pacis. “It worked” he claimed, “in one night!” This could be the answer, I thought – but – what would I do after I took them away? How would I deal with her fits? How many sleepless nights would I endure before she fell asleep with out the pacifier? All these questions threw me into a pool of fear, and I did what I do when I get nervous… I buried myself in research mode and became educated on the beloved pacifier. It was time to get rid of it!

Going on the Journey

After her three year check up and my pediatrician now demanding we get rid of the Paci, I started talking with my daughter about the Paci Fairy on a daily basis. After telling her the story, I would ask her are you ready for her to come? “No mommy, I’m not ready”, would often be her reply. I would point out in stores all the babies that had Pacis and say again, “You’re a big girl, are you ready for The Paci Fairy? Often her first reaction was a negative but, I started to see a change in her when she answered. She would ponder the question, and she stalled before saying no. I could see her wheels were spinning and she was actually considering the thought of becoming a big girl. About four weeks later we were sitting on her bed and she said, “Mommy, I think I am ready for Palina to come ( I had now named The Paci Fairy “Palina” and had created a story with Palina and Paci-town and how Palina became The Paci fairy ). I jumped on it and we set a date two nights later. The night went better than I expected, she was excited and had asked for a toy from Palina. We put her to bed one last time with the pacifier. The next morning she was excited and she never asked for the Paci again. She would point out to me other babies with Pacis and say, “Mommy, is that mine?” “Maybe”, I responded. Honestly, she was so addicted that her mouth the next couple nights would make the suckling movement while she was sleeping, but basically this was a pain free, one night success story.

My Final Surprise

Now, my daughter had overcome her addiction, and it was time for me to overcome mine. How would I react the next time she through a fit, or couldn’t get to sleep, or was crying in the car. The Paci was usually my golden tool and now without it…what would happen?

Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months and this is what I discovered, to my surprise. My daughter’s tantrums went away, her communication improved, she was sleeping great and wouldn’t wake crying to a paci that had slipped out of her mouth. My daughter became “A BIG GIRL”! Call it the self fulfilling prophecy, but now that she had been labeled a big girl…she started acting like one. I was ecstatic and so delighted that I started sharing my story with other moms in the same situation. My technique was working. I wrote and published a book about the story of “Palina, The Paci Fairy”, from paci-town. I did test studies and put my psychology background to use.

The Book, The Solution

“The Paci Fairy” is a children’s picture book disguised as support and a tool for parents. The book is a proven method, endorsed by pediatricians and a pediatric dentist to help offer a quick and entertaining solution to aid children in overcoming the simple addiction of a Paci. I have included my seven steps to a “one night success story” located in the back of the book.

Palina, The Paci Fairy will help children let go of the Pacifier. My goal is to leave a positive impact on children, and their guardians, physically, mentally, and psychologically.

I know with certainty, that not only did my daughter become a “Big Girl” that first day, but, her mother became a “Big Girl” as well.

My regards to all the Paci-holics,

Melissa Burnett
For more information on the book and the author please visit:
To email me directly please go to:

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Paci Fairy - quick and fun solution to getting rid of the pacifier!

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This book, "The Paci Fairy" is helping many parents get rid of their pacifiers. The self-help book is disguised as a colorful picture fable for kids. Our method is endorsed by Pediatricians and Pediatric Dentist, and as a bonus, this book also includes "seven Steps" to a one night success story!

Please come visit the site or just make a comment if you have any questions! I will be happy to discuss any situations and would love to help all you moms and dads get rid of that Paci!

Best Wishes, Melissa Burnett